Mario Govorchin and Associates Ltd.

Team Intervention

Workplace Climate Intervention

Climate simply means how people work together and what it feels like to work where you work.  It means how individuals treat each other – how you act on the job day-to-day.

Climate is partly shaped by forces outside the Division / Department / Workgroup, but the major influences shaping climate are the ways that people inside the Division/Department/Workgroup choose to treat one another.  Climate varies depending on goals and objectives, the individuals, and how they behave.

Individuals’ actions affect their climate, and the climate affects the way people feel and act.  A negative climate can bring out the worst in people, and a positive climate can bring out the best.  Any group can improve its own climate, no matter how negative or positive it is now.  People simply have to see the need, and then must choose to change.  


The following process is one we have designed, to provide a structure for improving the working climate in any workgroup.
In this one-day facilitation, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • consider themes with respect to how they work together
  • safely explore the present climate as well as explore how workgroup members would like the climate to be, if the ideal behaviours and attitudes were in place
  • identify the key values they want in working together – some will already exist
  • see some examples of climate goals/group norms written by other groups
  • work through a process to create climate goals/group norms for their own workgroups
  • place and score their climate goals on their own Climate Goal Survey
  • identify the driving and restraining forces for the two lowest scored climate goals
  • identify the possible steps to reduce restraining forces and create an action plan to implement those steps; and, depending on available time
  • gain exposure to skills for communicating effectively in disagreement and managing differences more successfully

© 2023 Mario Govorchin and Associates Ltd.